

Antioxidant Shot




Glutathione is a potent antioxidant used by your body to help remove free radicals and toxins. Patients report increased energy, stamina, and clearer, lighter skin.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that is produced by your body’s cells. It’s made up of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine.

Antioxidants can help to prevent oxidative stress, which is when your body is unable to fight off free radicals and other harmful toxins. These toxins can cause damage to your cells, and long term could even lead to diseases such as diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

Research suggests that Glutathione can also benefit the body in other ways, such as supporting immune function, forming sperm cells, transporting mercury out of the brain and helping the liver and gallbladder deal with fats.

The levels of Glutathione in your body can decrease due to poor nutrition, environmental toxins, stress or ageing. That’s why it can be a good idea to top up your levels with an IM booster shot.



*Be Superhuman IV Drips are powered by Effect Doctors. Effect Doctors reserve the right to change the ingredients, prices and products of all our services on a daily basis. The products, ingredients and prices are subject to change at the discretion of Effect Doctors up until payment for your Drip or Booster.