
Full-body cryotherapy is the therapeutic application of extremely cold dry air, usually −85°C. Full-Body cryotherapy stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities. Full-Body cryotherapy uses extreme cold to induce responses on three levels: the circulatory system, the energy meridians and the nervous system.

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Benefits Of Cryotherapy

Relieves Joint Pain, Swelling & Stress
Improved gut health, with less gastric disruption
Defy signs of aging
Increased performance & decreased recovery time
Enhanced collagen production and cellular regeneration
Burn calories, Promote healing & athletic recovery
Endorphin release and reduced stress, anxiety, depression & improved REM sleep
Decreased inflammation & enhanced immune system responsiveness

Benefits Of Cryotherapy

Relieves Joint Pain, Swelling & Stress
Improved gut health, with less gastric disruption
Defy signs of aging
Increased performance & decreased recovery time
Enhanced collagen production and cellular regeneration
Burn Calories, Promote Healing & Athletic Recovery
Endorphin Release And Reduced Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Improved REM Sleep
Decreased Inflammation & Enhanced Immune System Responsiveness


A: Be Superhuman provides every client with a face mask, socks, slippers, and gloves for the purpose of protecting your extremities during the therapy. However, clients are required to wear their own undergarments and shorts. All clients must remove jewelry and exterior body piercings below the neck. Additionally, clients should not apply oils, lotions, or cologne prior to the therapy.

A: A Full Body Cryotherapy is usually two to three minutes in duration; however, you may end the session at any time.

A: The Cryo chamber reaches temperatures around -88 C, lowering the skin’s surface temperature by 0 to 5 degrees Celcius.

A: The following conditions are contraindications to Full Body Cryotherapy:

  • Pregnancy
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure >150 not controlled by medication
  • Cold-Activated Asthma
  • Severe Raynaud’s Syndrome

Children under 18 must have written consent and a guardian present.

Clients with severe medical conditions not listed above should get doctor’s consent before doing Full Body Cryotherapy.

A: The peak benefits of Full Body Cryotherapy are best enjoyed as a result of a regular routine. While clients may experience benefits from a single treatment, we recommend doing Full Body Cryotherapy three to five times a week for the first two weeks. This will induce cumulative effects in the body. After that, maintenance as needed to sustain benefits.

A: The benefits of a three-minute Full Body Cryotherapy therapy are equivalent to that of a twenty to thirty-minute ice bath. Unlike an ice bath, there is no downtime to cryotherapy.

A: There is no downtime because Full Body Cryotherapy does not cool the temperature of the body’s muscle tissue. Thus, allowing your body to achieve optimal results while warming up at a quicker rate.

A: Yes. Cryotherapy involves dry, hyper-cooled air flowing over the skin’s surface, so the process never freezes skin tissues, muscles or organs. The result is only a “feeling” of being cold. Towards the end of the therapy, you may get a “pins and needles” sensation like it is falling asleep which will dissipate as soon as the therapy ends.
A: Cryotherapy is a dry cold with no moisture and tolerable even to those who consider themselves cold-intolerant. Cryotherapy improves circulation throughout the body and stimulates production of brown fat, so your future ability to tolerate cold should improve.

A: Full Body Cryotherapy stimulates the body to release endorphins, the hormones that make us feel alert and energetic. The buoyant effects from each session typically last six to eight hours. Many clients report improvements in their sleep quality after cryotherapy.

A: No. The immediate cold impact of cryotherapy will raise the internal body temperature for a short period of time. The stimulation of the immune system can help decrease the severity and frequency of future colds.

A: Showering is not necessary before or after cryotherapy. The entire procedure is dry and does not make your skin wet. Many clients come before work or during their lunch break since the entire treatment is only 3 minutes long.

A: Yes, an advantage of cryotherapy over ice therapy is that tissues and muscle are not frozen. Ten minutes of light exercise post cryotherapy will induce more rapid vasodilation of the blood vessels and capillaries and extend the period of analgesia. It is also ideal post-workout to speed athletic recovery and ease sore muscles.
A: A local cryotherapy procedure reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling of a targeted area. As opposed to Full Body Cryotherapy, which stimulates cold receptors throughout the body to trigger an internal systemic anti-inflammatory response, local cryotherapy treats a specific location and is much more effective than traditional ice baths. Often, clients use this application in conjunction with Full Body Cryotherapy, so they can effectively treat problem areas both from the inside out as well as from the outside in. Depending on the area treated, a local cryotherapy treatment typically takes about 5-10 minutes at temperatures as low as -88 degrees celcius. As a result of local cryotherapy, clients experience an increase of oxygenated blood, a reduction in muscle tension, and a natural analgesic effect. After the therapy, the microcirculation in treatment areas allows muscles to heal and recover faster, and the natural analgesic effect and relaxation of muscles allows patients to increase their exercise tolerance, as well as strengthen the muscles and joints to prevent injury.
A: A localized cryotherapy treatment lasts between five and ten minutes, depending on the size of the area, which is typically the time it takes to achieve and maintain desired skin-surface temperature. An infrared thermometer is used to ensure this.
A: A localized cryotherapy is commonly applied to Ankles, Elbows, Neck, Shoulders, Knees Lower Back, Tendonitis, Face and Scalp